1. Mary Margaret from Carriage House Samplings;
this is my progress so far:
(click on picture to enlarge)
2. Baubles April from SamSarah (almost forgotten and April is almost over);
3. A Needlework Garden and Needlebook SAL.
I will only be stitching in the evenings, so I hope I have a good light there. We are planning to do a lot of little trips and spending a lot of time in the swimming pool with our kids.
Yesterday Emma had her first running experience; it's the Week of Sports in Holland and she had to run two kilometers. She did it in 15 minutes, so that's good for a first time though. She's wearing the schoolshirts, which I sponsored with my own company. My company name is on the back, which you can't see on the picture unfortunately.
As you can see, she's smiling, so she had a great time doing it.
Till next week...
PS Don't forget to sign in on my "special" PIF (see my earlier post)!