Our week free from school is almost over! On Monday they went to the movies with grandmother and my DH. (sob, I had work to do).
Tuesday there were very creative. Painting the rolls from the toiletpaper!
Wednessday we went to a children's farm called "het Geertje". There are allways young goats who you can give milk. So lovely to see all the little ones. On the way back home, Emma got sick. Headache, coughing and sneezing. So... in her pyama's on the couch for the last few days.
Dorine, not to high girl.
Mam, it's almost empty.
Lunch time!
In the meanwhile I had a very busy workingweek. I did some more stitches on Doll House, but keep it a secret for now. I will show a picture later this week, when I've finished something. :)
For now Happy Stitching and a very great and healthy weekend!
Quilt Time Sampler
7 years ago